PSA: Guys watch porn and it has nothing to do with how they feel about you

The rise of streaming internet pornography has been shown to have harmful effects in how it shapes people's sexual preferences. When I was a kid, there was not a universe of video pornography available for free at my fingertips on a computer i could use in the privacy of my own home. So many kids these days, I'm talking like young kids (7 and 8 year old boys for example) are getting their first glimpse of sexual experiences from googling porn online, and the things they are seeing are absolutely not healthy for a child, as their minds at that age are completely unaware of what healthy sexual attitudes are. Ive overheard, on multiple occasions, little boys talking about porn they saw online, what they described was always something violent/disrespectful happening to a woman. These are not things developing minds should be being exposed to as their first view into sexuality. Young teenage boys, who obviously spend A LOT of time jerking off to porn, are having their sexual preferences shaped by having access to really extreme material. Guys these days have 25 tabs open on their browser, picking their favorite scenes from each and jerking off to it. It's not a healthy thing to do regularly, to have this type of extreme visual stimulation accompanied with self gratification. A majority of porn shows womens comfort being unimportant, so much violent imagery. My last bf watched porn, not excessively at all, maybe once a week, but it still affected our relationship because of the way it shaped his preferences and the way it affected his subconscious sexual personality. My current bf doesnt watch porn, and rarely masturbates. These are definitely huge contributing factors as to why he is a far better sexual partner, he is so much more excited by real life sexual encounters, what he can actually touch and see and feel in the moment. He has self control to save his desire for when we see each other, the anticipation fuels the excitement. I'm not against masturbation at all btw, the only point I'm trying to make is that the huge prevalence of streaming video pornography with extreme content, is impacting user's psyches, and so few will acknowledge it...everyone just wants to pretend that frequently watching graphic pornography while masturbating somehow doesn't affect their sexual nature. Not sure why people are in such denial. There is research to substantiate that regular porn use affects users lives.

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