Democrats are getting comfortable clowning on Republicans online

One of the biggest things that ever happened there was when the QAnon Pro Trump lawyer Lin Wood shared a Boycott Georgia graphic that was complete bullshit that a guy on ParlerTrick made. It was HUGE and got the boycott massive traction. It made national news all over.

We completely thrashed Kelly Loefflers public image by inflitrating QAnon then. We sold her as a New York elitist and she never recovered from it. I still see people on GAB repeat the bullshit we sold about her over a year and a half later, it's hilarious. My favorite was when someone made a graphic that said call Brad Raffensperger ( GA Sec of State) and tell him you won't vote on rigged machines with his phone number. Within a day he had to do a press conference because all the calls.

The Patriot Party movement started there too. I just took some old defunct political parties logo and put Trump's name on it and we all started sharing it hashtagged #PatriotParty on our crap and it went viral. The morons were making T-shirts, flags, holding rallies and it never even existed. The stuff that happened there was nuts, the news kept posting our comments as genuine QAnon sentiments and it just amplified it so much. We were bashing the GOP pretending to be Qs and it was just spreading like mad because the news kept doing articles about it.

So ya lots of neat stuff happened and still happens time to time, you just get lucky sometimes.

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