The use of psychedelic drugs for tapping into a higher vibration otherwise unachievable

Why do you think paychadelics are so hard to obtain legally?

Because you're not supposed to peak at the other side. It ruins the whole point of the game.

The drugs are only here to remind you that this is a game, but the point of being here is to be conscious.

Alcohol, cannabis, DMT -- yes they're fun and fulfilling, because being non-physical focused is satisfying.

But you have a purpose here in the physical realm that can only be experienced here.

You'll go home one day, there's no doubt about that.

But you don't need to rush to get back home. You'll miss the benefit of this experience.

Trust that where you are is exactly fine, and that you don't need to go anywhere else.

This moment has everything that you need to be satisfied.

/r/AbrahamHicks Thread