A father manages to save his young daughter from a vicious dog attack.

Stupidly stuck my arm between two fighting Chihuahua's not very long ago and got "savagely" bitten. The result? An almost-faded 1cm scar on one of my knuckles. If they had been two bigger dogs I'd got between like that, dread to think what state my own idiocy would've left me in.

I've also been jumped and attacked by a staffie while out with one of my dogs. They were after her, not me. Fucking terrifying, I was knocked to the ground before I even knew what was happening. The sheer strength was shocking to me.

Smaller dogs can definitely be highly strung and aggressive (although I'd like to note that my dog was not reactive at all until we were attacked by a bigger dog not once but twice in the space of 2 months), but it's foolish to actually compare them to bigger dogs in terms of potential damage.

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