Great things about living in the Netherlands!


Cato and Fraster institutes are American/Canadian institutes. This kind of research is very susceptible to bias since it is almost entirely based on assumptions and on the factors that are choosen in the model.

But I agree that on a normal day China/HK are below the Netherlands in terms of freedom. Especially due to the fact that there are certain population groups that are prosecuted.

But my argument isn't about a normal day, and I specifically mentioned "If you are not Uyghur or against XI".

Now let's see where your own source falls hard:

Freedom in our usage is a social concept that recognizes the dignity of individuals and is defined by the absence of coercive constraint. (page 10)

Now that is funny don't you think? Their definition basically already proves that the Netherlands are currently less free than HK. Because we actually do have coercive constraints on every possible dimensions (lockdown), while they only have coercive constraints on very few dimensions especially if you are the majority there.

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