Dead Game? Nah.

Game feels dead to be because every single game I play lags and desyncs horribly. Doesn't matter for casual matches, but in ranked it's impossible to ignore because it's so bad it causes a non-trivial amount of kills/deaths and changes the outcome of the match.

I can't stomach more than a game or two because every single time I try I'm just met with constant lag. And no, it's not on my end, it's the same desync everyone else complains about with netcode issues and out of region queueing(I geoblocked my own servers but other players are high ping constantly). I'm high ranked Onyx, and having my performance being hurt by bad netcode completely kills the enjoyment, especially because I know my opponents are also not playing their best and are at the mercy of desync on their end. Completely sours the experience.

/r/halo Thread