Why do atheists hate Christians more than all the other religions? They say that they don't, but in my last 5days of joining several religious groups on reddit, r/christianity seems to be the most bombarded with edgy 14 year old trying to be cool

Way to show you jump to uneducated conclusions lol I’m not a Trump supporter but ok. I actually think it’s sick how people idolize him and it go’s against Christianity.

Well I had atheists bother me about my beliefs my whole life. My grand parents and parents grew up in the Soviet Union and were discriminated and oppressed just got being Christian. My grandpa got beat up by the kgb juts cuz he didn’t want to snitch out a secret church meeting spot. My mom went to university for 4 years and got straight As the whole time but they didn’t give her a diploma after she completed it cuz she was Christian and they sousing hire her at certain high paying jobs juts cuz she’s Christian and they wanted to discourage Christianity and encourage or sway Christians into leaving their faith.

I had atheists bother me all my life about my beliefs and I live in America but I never bothered any atheists about their beliefs.

/r/Christianity Thread Parent