Is public outrage similar to a temper tantrum?

it isn't a PART of the game.

I have to play the game to find it in the game. That's part of the game.

That would imply it has any relevance to the game

No, it implies it's in the game. Easter eggs are part of games and by and large have no relevance.

It's feedback as much as crying when someone won't buy you something is feedback.

It's what she doesn't like about the game. It's feedback.

They AREN'T allowed to force a game into being changed because of their opinions.

Oh, so something that hasn't happened.

Me not agreeing with you = I must be an utter moron that doesn't know what he's talking about.

No, you complaining about people on twitter telling devs what they think is wrong with the game is infringing on artistic freedom is you being an utter moron that doesn't know what he's talking about.

almost as strange as the whole Obsidian PR thing.

It's not strange at all. People complained, they sought the most effective solution likely to please the most people.

So there's lots of stuff to sift through and only one offensive post amongst it all?

Or just one that people cared enough to bring up. Still refusing to think hard, I see.

hat they just so happened to find at the exact moment someone got hyper-offended over it?

Something literally no one ever said.

Listen and believe!

Is exactly what you're doing with your worldview when you decide Obsidian must be lying because you don't like what they did.

I'd love to, present an actual valid argument for my brain to engage with.


They chose to confer with him, and gave HIM the choice.

Which means all the deciding power is theirs and they can give it to others if they want to. They can also revoke it if they want to.

Forcibly changing it? Not fine.

Again, no one has done this. They literally cannot do it. Especially not through twitter.

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