Americans supporting the Trump immigration ban, how and why did your ancestors immigrate here?

I dunno about you, but I speed when the flow of traffic around me on the freeway is speeding, since it's safer to do that. I also jaywalk when there aren't any cars around. And I'm currently breaking a local ordinance by storing my elderly mother's car on my property while it is out of registration while we sell it for her.

Seems to me context matters on those laws. I don't know all the details about immigration laws, but I suspect context matters there as well.

Very recently, I had two neighbors in my neighborhood. A white guy who was dealing drugs (probably meth) out of his mom's house, cops were over often as he fought his baby-moma, weird people would wander down our street and loiter outside his house, etc. On the other side, there's a hispanic family - the dad runs a tree trimming business, and there's never any trouble over there and in fact he and his family are a positive to our street. Could he and his family be undocumented/illegally here? absolutely - is he a better member of my community than the drug dealer? also absolutely.

I'm just sayin - context matters. Perhaps we should find a way to make contributors to our society legal, and only punish those who would solely harm it.

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