Question about Jill Stein's Positions.

You're missing what I'm saying. The Federal Reserve is a corporation. A "company". It has shares. Each share is owned by a person. Each share is worth BILLIONS/TRILLIONS of dollars(the value of the Federal Reserve is almost infinite, as they can print infinte money for themselves). These people will not voluntarily give their shares to the united states government. And they have the ability to crash the US economy instantly, or to print up 300 TRILLION dollars for themselves, every day and devalue to dollar to 0.

If you try to take their company(the most powerful, valuable company in the world by far), they will try to kill you. They have enough money for armies. They have bought all the politcians. I don't think you understand. They have been giving themselves trillions of dollars for decades on end. They are the .01% that owns as much as the bottom 75% of the world.

It will be VERY ugly, if this problem is ever fixed. Do you understand now? I do not think this is impossible. It's just not going to happen without force, because the Federal Reserve is acting 100% LEGALLY, and will not VOLUNTARILY give its TRILLIONS of dollars worth of shares back to the US government, because nothing in this world is more valuable than being able to print yourself unlimited amounts of US dollars.

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