A history of Lesser Evilism (And why you should support your values over fear)

It's pretty strange to me that I've been only negative on Clinton, haven't been hostile to you guys (despite being met with a bit of hostility, but that's understandable given this is a Jill Stein subreddit, and I give you guys credit for not just outright banning me like the other subreddits probably would have by now) and have only stated facts, yet I keep getting accused of shilling for her and spreading propaganda. I'm not the one that needs to figure something out. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but regardless I feel like I need to say this yet again:

It is an indisputable fact that the presidential election will be won by either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, unless one of them drops out or drops dead between now and election day.

I'm sorry that you guys don't like that fact (again, I don't either), but it doesn't it make it any less true. It's really kind of shocking to me that some of you don't seem to understand that. I can totally understand the protest vote if you're in a state that doesn't matter, but seriously... you guys have to know that Jill Stein has zero chance of winning the election, right? Right?

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