Dear Hillary supporters: Yes, Donald Trump is terrifying. But her campaign INTENTIONALLY tried to get someone like him nominated in the first place.

The DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign were literally trying to help the GOP nominate someone like Donald Trump. And now they're trying to control you with the fear that they themselves helped create.

Yes, it IS true that only Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump have an actual chance of winning this election at this point. But there's a bigger picture here that they don't want you to see.

Which is: that if we give them a free pass for rigging the Democratic primaries and purposefully trying to nominate someone like Donald Trump, that they will ONLY continue to do those kinds of things in the future. Which means that if they know that they can get away with it all, that we run the risk of having to fight against someone even worse than Donald Trump in the next presidential election. Particularly when the establishment's neoliberalism is already being rejected by the public at large in favor of whatever other ideologies they can find instead.

In my view, there is no point in trying to elect the lesser evil in this election, because doing so will only give us someone even WORSE than Donald Trump to scramble against next time around. Our political system has only been shifting further and further to the right economically over the past 30+ years, and if we don't demand an end to this kind of "fuck you I got mine" corruption and insanity, everything will only get worse.

In my opinion, that rightward shift is a trend that we can't afford to continue, especially when there are life-threatening issues like climate change, automation, world war, fascism, robotic soldiers and potentially even thought privacy at stake.

It is for all of these reasons that I voted for Jill Stein instead of Hillary Clinton as a former Bernie volunteer. Because every single method we have as citizens to pressure our elected officials – protests, campaigning, inundating them with phone calls and other messages – all goes back to their concern over winning our votes. And if we let them walk all over us and take our democracy hostage, they will only continue to do those things in the future because they will correctly view our other actions as being nothing more than empty threats. Especially when they know that they can give you someone even worse than Donald Trump to be afraid of in the next election.

/r/jillstein Thread