Question concerning O2 sensors.

I'm sorry to disagree considering I asked and you were nice enough to chime in and try to help me but I disagree. I dont fully grasp this concept of them yet but I am close and this is why I disagree. An oxygen sensor has a small chamber in it that stores atmospheric oxygen in it. Zirconia Dioxide is able to conduct Oxygen ions(which are negatively charged i.e. excess electrons which makes them in a way electrical in nature) into a pressure i.e. a voltage. Now I am only left with one last question of mine to solve and i'll have a full grasp on how O2 sensors work fully that being Can exhaust gas flow thru the O2 sensor element? If it can that explains the voltage drop and spike part of the sensor being that when the engine is lean less atmospheric oxygen will move to the exhaust end of the sensor and thus a lower voltage is generated inside of the sensor as a result of less movement. In this case the oxygen ions themselves are the voltage.

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