[Question] Have you received the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Also, the vaccine isn't just for you. It's for everyone around you, too. You may never know if you get the virus. No symptoms. But you can infect others, who may die.

I dont see this at all. If someone works at a senior facility or in healthcare, sure. But on average everyone we interact with is eligible to receive the vaccine. Their protection is in their hands, not mine.

I was always in favor of masks despite the lack of strong evidence that they had a significant impact, because at the time there were no vaccines and vulnerable people had no recourse to protect themselves.

Right now in the US there are no contraindications for the vaccine other than being allergic to it. Theres a fair number of people that are immunocompromised and they need to take precautions from all infectious disease, not just covid. My dad is one of them, he took the vaccine and he continues to be cautious as before covid.

Right now, my state of texas has seen cases and deaths plummet, even after the May mask mandate lift (considered irresponsible by Biden, I think he used to words Neanderthal to describe it? Could have been for something similar) and while vaccines arent mandated or tracked. There's no reason to change anything right now.

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