Deku: "Ok there's no way at masters 1 I should be getting PLAT supports on my team in comp, wtf is this matchmaking ??????"

This isn't a reset problem, it's an MMR problem. I'm a washed up GM player who got placed plat 3, yet because my MMR is higher than it should be i consistentely get placed against high diamong/master players while having on the team low diamonds and plats. I'm still winning way more than i'm losing and got to dia 1 in pretty short order, but shit's retarded. Can't place me in plat and then penalize me because my mmr is higher than that.

It's honestly the same shit that was going on in OW1. I remember in like S4 when i finished 4k, game placed me 3.6 yet i was still going up against high masters/low gm players to such a rate that it was easier getting back to GM on my diamond smurf. Tilting af.

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