Terrapin Ceramic Bearing yea or nay? Are they worth the money?

These are on par with any other high-end bearing. If you grab a flat Terrapin, and MFD bearing, you'll see they pretty much perform on par. The same can be said about most bearings in this tier. The one thing about the terrapin vs other ceramics is the terrapin is loud as fuck OOB, and it took me about two weeks to break it in to appropriate noise level (imo). Also, the bearing wasn't very smooth out of the box either, and took at least a week for me to notice it feeling smoother with I'm assuming break-in. As of right now, my bearing is crazy smooth, and makes most other bearings I own feel clunky.

If you're asking "is ceramic worth it?"... it doesn't really add anything to performance as far as I can tell, but can last way longer if you like to play dry, and can play a lot smoother if you use a drop of lube. These produce a unique metallic "whizzing" sound when played dry, and I've definitely learned to enjoy that sound.

So are they worth the money? Well, they will last you forever (like most bearings that are maintained). To me, a $10 bearing and a $20 bearing are the same price-range, since both are cheap as hell for something you'll buy once; no matter what bearing you get, you're going to swap it to every upgrade throw you get... so after 4 $100+ yoyos, you'll have that same $10-20 bearing My last bearing got passed along through about 6 everyday yoyos before I simply decided to change to a different profile.

Lastly, don't get a bearing because it is ceramic. Ceramic doesn't make the bearing perform better (it does in other applications, but not for us). If you want a flat bearing, there's a rainbow of variety to choose from. If you're asking if the wing-cut is worth it... it is if you want an almost flat centering bearing. I honestly don't even classify the wing-cut as centering since it won't always hit center.

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