/r/europe is looking for new moderators - apply here!

How often are you on reddit in an average week?

Anywhere between 10 - 40 hours per week, depending on how busy I am at work. 9 - 18 GMT+2 is basically when I'm the most active.

How often do you visit /r/europe?

Literally every day

What country are you normally resident in?


Do you speak any languages besides English? (If yes: which and to what level?)

Romanian and very little Dutch

What interests you about Europe?

I live here, so I'm interested in all the sociopolitical news and issues that affect Europeans.

What are your favourite and least favourite things about /r/europe?

Favorite: Almost everybody is intelligent and can hold an actual conversation, even debate. Besides, it's amazing to get view points from people I could never get IRL. Points of view I wouldn't have even considered, interesting tidbits, even general knowledge, it's all stuff I picked up from here that I wouldn't have on any other subreddit.

Least Favorite: So much racism and xenophobia, it's insane sometimes. Also, too much complaining about mods.

Do you have experience as a moderator or similar?

Yes, plenty, I mod a few subreddits, one of which is a default (/r/tifu)

why do you think you would be a good moderator?

I have plenty of experience in dealing with large subs, plus I'm a regular over here and I know the "atmosphere" of the sub. I'm great at keeping the modqueue clean and culling comments. I can also help with AutoMod config, if you guys need it.

do you have any expirence with statistics, datamining or reddit bots?

I took a statistics course in University. For bots, does automod config count? Otherwise, no.

What is your opinion on the immigration megathread?

Necessary, imo. In the first few days after the megathread was taken down, half the frontpage was filled with immigration-related content and some really interesting posts got lost.

What do you think went wrong (if anything)?

Honestly, I blame the userbase more than anything. Some people like to complain regardless, though the mods had part of the blame for the general nonacceptance of the megathread. It's a vast current-events subject, and sticking everything in a thread that was imo too rarely updated pissed a few people off.

What's one weakness you have?

I'm skinny-fat. And sometimes I tend to filibuster modmails.

Would you rather fight one horse sized duck or one hundred duck sized horses?

What is this, 2005?

I wouldn't fight anything, though, I'm not a violent person.

What single word connects all of these three of the following words: Europe, Pussy Cat, Teacher? Explain why

Humor. The laughter in the video is so infectious it keeps cracking me up, and the teacher seems like a person with a good sense of humor.

/r/europe Thread