R/HALO Removes my post?!

Dear diary 12 years aboard the halo ship

We boarded this ship long ago, so long it seems as a distant memory. The captain promised riches beyond our wildest dreams but he hasn't delivered. Instead he's barricaded himself in his chambers. Everyone once in awhile he updates on our course of action, but yet we still remain lost. Most of the crew has lost hope, we our a divided group but yet deep down still as one.

Everyday we fight, throw insults at one another but we all have love for our ship "Halo". The ship has sprung many leaks and we our slowly sinking. Our captain is working on it but some men have already abandoned ship.

Some say this ship isn't what it used to be, she used to be a real beauty. Time has sure changed her a lot ahhhh I could tell you many great stories of her....some that would bring tears to the eyes of some of the crew.

Deep down I still feel the love for her. I've gotten old...maybe to old.....Some say I'm stuck in her glory days. Maybe, maybe I am.....but when she sailed back in those days she sailed oooohhh so true...fast and straight as an arrow. Wasn't any other ship like her on this here sea....crew mates were climbing all over this here ship.

If we don't sink I hope me and my current crew mates can enjoy this last here voyage together. This voyage called "MCC" for one good last hooorah.....brings tears to my eyes just thinkin bout it.

Some of the crew of already signed up for the captains guardian voyage next year.... knowing what i know and how my life has led me to this point. Its a voyage I can't take and it hurts...hurts real bad. Knowing I wont set foot on her for another adventure is something that i have to come to terms with. I've gone through some stages of anger and denial and now acceptance.

I wish the new crew good luck and may she take you on many adventures. Beautiful wild adventures you can tell your children. I know I will because I sailed this ship through its golden age. The age when we were all gods.....

May she sail as true as can be for you as she did for me. For this here ship has been a huge part of my life and I hope you take care of her. I have no more words........except.....i love u halo

/r/HaloRants Thread