I don't know what to do...

Hi there brother :) - I mean that as a figure of speech, not biologically ofcourse. Lol.

My friend, my advice with this girl is that sometimes we need to learn to make ourselves vulnerable, but don't be careless of course :). maybe tell her you wanted to say hello, but your always been too shy. You felt like she was cool, and you wanted to know a little about her. Isn't that the truth anyway.

Look, we need to take chances in order to find happiness. Think about this; Worst case scenario: wouldn't you at least be happier having talked to her, and having been rejected; Than to have never even talked to her at all, and to have failed before you even started. dont we all want to be winners and not losers. the differnet between a winner and a loser is the willingness to try. Nothing more. It was never anything more, and it will never be anything more.

Feeling sad, or temporary depressed feelings can be normal emotional phases when growing up during teenage years. However, We can just as easily learn to be happy and positive people with a little training. You can become the ideal version of Yourself. This is Very Possible. I know, because I am.

But at the same time, you cant put all your happiness into women. If you put all your happiness into something other than within Yourself. Then when the women leaves (if they ever do, and I pray they won't) : they will take your happiness with them. We don't need women to make us happy, rather, women and relationships are meant to compliment us: and add a little more joy to our lives. Please watch this video if you do not understand:


But all that a side: friendships, and relationships are an important neccessaties of human life; and are Joyful. dont let your fear of failure get in your way of success. You are Awesome, and the fact that you wrote this post shows me that you have what it takes to succeed. it shows me you are willing to make yourself vulnerable; You are willing to take a chance; and ultimately this is what it takes to be successful. And whatever the outcome, don't let it affect you, because you know what, I think you are Awesome, no matter what someone else thinks, And This is the way you need to start thinking, if you don't already :)

Best of Luck, I hope you build up the courage to at least say hello. I know it can be tough my friend, but it will be worth it.

if you are someone who is looking to be able to have both female and male friends, this is something you will need to learn to be able to do sooner or later. Treat girls with respect and kindness. Treat men the same.

Don't really treat female much differently from your male friends. You will learn from your mistakes as you go.

I hope my advice has somewhat been helpful. A Christian friend.

P.S. Forgive me but i do not revist threads. Best of Luck :)

/r/Advice Thread