/r/MCPE Realm Applications

In Game conduct guidelines for /r/MCPE Realms

  1. handshake Be Good To Each Other -- We're here to have fun. So long as your idea of fun doesn't involve infringing upon someone else's idea of fun, everything will be cool.

  2. x Do Not Edit Builds That Are Not Yours -- *Includes placing and removing blocks / entities / animals / etc.

  3. no_entry_sign Do Not Open Chests That Are Not Yours -- You may freely open chests marked as PUBLIC. Unmarked chests are to be assumed PRIVATE.

  4. wrestlers Do Not Kill or Attack Other Players Without Consent -- PVP is fine, but both parties must be willing.

  5. cityscape Do Not Build Too Close to Other Players -- Leave a reasonable margin, at least three blocks - consider overhanging roofs and garden space. Inquire with the owner if you want to build closer, overtop or underneath their build.

  6. seedling Replant Crops and Trees, Fill Creeper Holes -- Cleaning up after yourself is a super important life skill. Replanting ensures that the next person to come along may also have resources to use.

  7. skull SURVIVE!

Other points of etiquette:

Respect the privacy of other players - if they don't make access into their build easy, stay out. If there's a sign marked "Private" or an iron door with no visible switch, move on!

If you witness someone die, don't steal their gear! Either leave it alone, or throw it in a chest for them!

Try to draw pursuing creepers away from builds. If they do end up damaging a build, try your best to repair it with whatever dropped materials, and leave a sign for the owner so they don't assume they were griefed.

Otherwise, just use common sense and always remember that we're all real people just trying to have some fun!

/r/MCPE Thread