[RANT] I swear to god

I think my favorite moment was seeing two men on Twitter talking about how base mom is clearly not feminist and a feminist pointed out the hypocrisy of this and they told her to go away.

Oh god yes the hypocrisy. It's much like how white SRS mods (I don't say that to stereotype SJWs as white, we know for a fact that Rusoved and Laurelai are white) believe it is their job to get offended on behalf of Koreans or [insert minority here]. Then when someone tells them "I'm [member of minority], I've seen [bigotry against my group] and I don't find this racist/offensive" or "It's not your job to be offended for me" the mods respond with "aren't you a special snowflake" and a ban.

For example, Rusoved banned /u/Vidurnaktis from /r/BadLinguistics because Vidurnaktis thought the term "cracker" was racist.

You heard that right. Rusoved, a self-declared white guy, was telling a "POC" that a racial slur isn't racist. By their own stupid rules, Rusoved should be in big trouble. But the rules about "POC" victimhood only apply to crazy SJWs who aren't white, not to shitlords.

The mods of /r/GenderCynical would probably be quick to say "do you believe men and women should have equality? Then you're a feminist." /u/AFlatCap said this:

I would say a common definition is the idea that men and women are equal. I would also add the idea that society should reflect this fact (the means to this end being varied, some just advocating a change from restrictive laws and policies and others invoking more socialist thought, etc.).

AFlatCap then proceeded to argue that Christina Hoff Sommers, who is in favor of equality, does not count as a feminist, but radfems do.

Sheila Jeffries, while awful, does offer the base feminist position: that men and women are equal and society should reflect this.

Nope. Radical Feminism 101: "equality" within society isn't the answer--what radical feminists seek is liberation, and destruction of gender altogether. For example, Andrea Dworkin argues that women need political liberation, just like the Zionists did creating Israel; the Zionists separated from Gentile society instead of just trying to get Gentiles to treat Jews as equals (which is analogous to the approach non-radical feminists).

Though being a radical feminist, she recognizes hierarchical gender constructs in society, and being a TERF, sees trans people in some weird conspiratorial sense. While Shelia Jeffreys is deplorable, she still fits the basic definition of feminism.

Whereas, according to /u/Jess_than_three, Christian Hoff Sommers is not a feminist:

Christina Hoff Sommers isn't a feminist. She literally works for a neoconservative think-tank with her entire job being trying to discredit feminists.

She's not a female game developer. She's not anything. She's a talking head trotted out by the right to serve whatever purpose they have at the moment.

Logic doesn't matter to them. They think certain minorities should be immune from criticism by white people by merit of being those minorities--until a member of that minority airs a dissident opinion.

/r/NotYourShieldProject Thread