Anderson Cooper struggling to keep it together discussing the mayor of Las Vegas' push to open casinos with absolutely no plan or guidelines for social distancing or mitigation.

There's nothing wrong with going for incisive questions. It's just that Cuomo isn't very good at it compared to Matthews in his prime for example. Like I said, he just meanders off into tangents and gives his own opinions instead of getting answers out of guests. I get most of my news from NPR and reading articles on google news anyways, so maybe I just have a low tolerance for all the talking heads.

I wish we saw better questioning from the White House press too. Every time I watch though, Trump either talks over the reporters he doesn't like, doesn't answer their questions, monologues so reporters can ask fewer questions, or threatens to kick them out/call them fake news. So that's why we haven't seen too much push back in the press conferences unfortunately. It's almost suppression of freedom of the press.

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