What was the most fucked up thing you saw in school?

One day in 5th grade, one of my classmates father showed up extremely drunk trying to pick the kid up. Teachers wouldn't let him leave with the kid so he just started beating the shit out of the nearest teacher (almost every teacher we had was female). Nobody could stop him for like 45 seconds while he just fucking wailed on the this poor woman, she was screaming like a banshee while he kicked her and stomped her, shouting about "you won't kidnap my boy". Kids are crying and screaming almost as loud as the adults. Fuck I feel sick to my stomach just typing this.

Eventually one of the janitors came running over, pushed him away and he took off but the damage was done. The teacher retired soon after and the guy ended up in prison for attempted murder. That's not even the worst part.

The kid? He started drinking by middle school and jumped off a bridge the summer before high school. His mother remarried and has a new family, the kids are like probably 7 or 8 now. It's so strange seeing her around with a smile on her face acting like it never happened. I'm sure she suffers immensely but she covers it up so well. It's so strange.

/r/AskReddit Thread