CMV: Most college Admissions Officers can't/shouldn't be judging qualified applicants

Look op, they don’t care about your algorithm and they don’t need to know more then the vaguest of details because anything beyond the general you did some research on blank doesn’t tell them anything they need to know.

Also I’ll probably sound more like an ass but if you handed your original version or an in depth explanation of it to one of those experts odds are high they’d be far less impressed then the recent college graduate who originally reviewed it. That kind of stuff generally sounds far more impressive to people who don’t actually understand it. The recent grad is also far less likely to reject the student on the spot for trying to talk up their high school research to an expert in the field. It’s going to send a lot red flags really fast.

A high school student should be proud of what they did and sell it but at the same time they should very clearly understand its high school research. You do that by doing what that admissions officer said. The exact details of the high school research are almost never going to matter because any of the actual knowledge is going to be stuff that can easily be taught to anyone who is smart enough without much effort. The exceptions are going to be the prodigies who only had to fill out the paperwork as a formality. The parts that matter are having done it and showing things like critical thinking, independence and learning to fail are what matters. Those things are far harder to teach.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent