What was the most fucked up thing you saw in school?

Eastern Europe would like a word with you on that. White nationalism terrorism is a problem in America, just like everywhere, but not nearly as much as far-left eco-terrorism against loggers in my country. Funny how no one thinks of them when a logger dies from a spiked tree. Oh, and ANTIFA, that group of messed up shits who use stormtrooper tactics on literally anyone.

Yes, America has issues and our violence does seem rather widespread. It’s almost like the far right and far left are so intolerant in my country as fringe movements, it causes violence, just like Europe. In a country with 300 million people, it’s not surprising the Limeys see “less violence”. By per capita, Limey knife attacks are actually more common, especially in London......a country where knives are literally banned. If you really think a country needs bleach, TV, and every day commodities licensed, and still see all those things used to kill anyone, then ask for more stuff to get banned, you’re doing something wrong. I don’t expect you to understand; you sound like a coward who wouldn’t defend themselves anyways.

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