Porn is incredibly harmful, and its effects aren't taken seriously enough.

I am not going to pretend that porn has 0 downsides or that I understand sexual psychology enough to be able to systematically refute the arguments made but I don't feel like there is a need to do that.

Throwing a bunch of numbers with no citations, no detailed examination of the sources and no critical analysis of the stats presented makes this just a weak spreadsheet of loosely connected meaningless data.

There are so many numbers here that make no sense, especially the ones where Women or Men who watched porn reported to being more abused, which makes no sense because the study is trying to imply that porn contributed to the abuse when most likely porn helped the victims identify their experience and seek help.

Also there was statement about men who watched porn "reported" to have sexually harrased a peer or coworker???? ask yourself how that makes sense? what kind of study asked men if they watch porn and then asked if they sexually harassed a woman and then men answered yes to both of those questions.

I am absolutely ready to make my skepticisms into a meal and eat them if OP can provide the precise sources for all their statements and I find that none of them have bias or lack controls.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread