Really man?! Activision do you guys only care money-making than us?

Something that really pissed me off today was the 12 days of Xmas deals. Garena didn't offer any of the discounted bundles from global. Instead they jus inserted random crates. I really wanted the wicht warden skin from evil science crates that unlocks today.

Lo and behold, it costs 760CP. Cos apparently the full price is 1200CP tho it's been appearing at 900CP. Hard pass on that.

"for you" section is fucking shit too. Been waiting for bloody vengeance. Instead it's giving me draws I either got the leggy weapon for or already did 9 spins on. And I keep getting the stupid arctic 50, kuromaku, sks and qq9 Fenrir draws.

No fucking mythic reduxes even tho the Activision reps been talking out their ass saying it'll come itll come it'll come like forever.

I'm playing lesser and lesser nowadays, only a matter of time before give up totally. Clan wars is fucking shit too, I been top or top 3 contributors for my clan and we always rch top 20 in server. It's getting so fucking boring.

Zombies is shit, repetitive as fuck and gets old quick. RNG for the epic weapon drops sucks, how many fucking games do I have to play

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