I think most solo ranking players can relate.

I wonder about all those reddit users who insult players for complaining about akimbo.

But it is really good that you posted about it. Because each & every player who thinks akimbo are not extremely overpowered, probably came out of a trash can & was trash at the game until this season. These garbage players are the real akimbo users. They could never get good at the game & now destroying with fennec. These are the same players who wouldn't be able to touch pro 1 in season 1,-3.

It's pretty obvious, this thing is impossible to counter in close range. Nobody uses akimbo on firing range, that is why close range maps are becoming irritating. It's tough for solo players because they cant always position themselves since they are not communication. Most importantly TTK is so fast, most people with normal connection cant react.

Even if someone play for fun, they will get extremely frustrated simply because nobody enjoy losing a gunfight in a blink of eye.

I think cod mobile have achieved its purpose of making the game casual.

It started with S3 extension & now any new 20 level player can destroy the best players in the game because THIS IS S12:AKIMBOTS

/r/CallOfDutyMobile Thread Link - v.redd.it