Recent tension in the Bahrain subreddit

Agreed.. the post about criminalizing food was just bait to trashtalk Islam and Muslims. The dude clearly has a history of hating Muslims and Islam.

Telling Muslims, prove your book wasn't written by some jerk. The jerks are those who get angry because I don't let them in my home. Why this asshole thinks his 'right' to be educated is superior to my right to not speak to him, is just beyond me...

Also, I use Nuke Reddit to remove all my comments.. So when I left the asshole' threads, they still DMd me to talk shit... Of course, I didn't respond.

But they're only doing it because it's Ramadan... It's a good time for Muslims, so now the so-called 'Ex-Muslims' want to stir up controversy...

/r/Bahrain Thread Parent