Discussion on muslims who have sex before marriage

let's just say not one guy but many they get their dicks in her mouth her ass or vag what not, are you really ok with that? she'll be sequeeling breathing heavily to what may look like a whore because hey realisticly she isn't ending up with him, what does that make her when she's taking it submissing herself it towards someone who isn't going to be there for her? do you understand why the value falls?

WOMAN AREN'T PROPERTY. They're not cars that lose value. People have value completely divorced from their sexual history. The fact that you're painting an image of dicks in female relatives as heinous really shows that you're uncomfortable with women being sexual. Sex is a two-way street when both parties consent, it's equally for her as it is for him. Nobody is a whore for enjoying sex. I want the women in my life to be happy, and as long as they're content with their choices then so am I. I'm OK with them having sex because it's not any of my damn business. No, it hasn't left any scars on me or them or our children or our grandmas. Associating anyone's integrity and dignity with their sexual activity doesn't make any sense.

I was in your boat once when I was much younger, the thought of my female relatives engaging in sex with men seemed humiliating to me. I was drilled with this whole dignity and integrity mumbo jumbo from a very young age. As I got older, I started realizing how juvenile and inconsistent this line of thought was. You realise that marriage doesn't magically make sex any more pure or legitimate or enjoyable. I know wives whose husbands beat them and cheat on them. I know girls whose boyfriends treat them like queens. Out of those people, the only woman with any 'dignity' and 'integrity' is the woman being beaten according to your logic. You love the women in your life, and you want what's best for them. A missing piece of paper doesn't negate the intimacy, joy, and connection that you feel with someone even if it's not permanent. Likewise, a piece of paper won't prove that this intimacy, joy, or connection will exist. I prefer that my daughter is in a happy, supportive relationship over an abusive marriage any day. Stop thinking that someone else having sex is an act of aggression towards you.

Some people have sex before marriage. Some people don't have sex before marriage. I can tell you for fact that there's unhappy depressed couples in both camps. There's also madly in love couples in both. Funny enough, the people who insist on virginity in my experience are typically the same people who go to Thailand every year to fuck prostitutes.

You're not soulmates with the first person you fuck. Soulmates aren't a biological reality. Lasting love is a case of intimacy over a long period of time, and compatible partnership. It doesn't matter who fucked who first. You want to marry a virgin? Marry a virgin. Don't be shocked when people choose differently because they didn't arrive at the same irrational choices you did. Historically, virginity was valued due to the deeply patriarchal society not giving any rights to neither child or woman. Bastard children borne out of wedlock had no rights towards their father and their mothers, shunned by society, often couldn't support them well. You couldn't prove patrimonial lineage which, in a society run according to lineage, was a death sentence. Neglected poor children often wound up as outcasts or in criminal activity because society failed them. The solution was to make virginity a moral edict.

We live in 2017. We have birth control. We have safe sex. Women have more rights now, even if it's still a patriarchal society. Having sex doesn't have the same consequences. Having sex doesn't make someone a lesser person.

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