PSA: Relevance and proper language

I try to be objective and I believe I am most of the time. I'm really sorry if I appeared abrasive and heavy handed with the removal, but let me try and justify it. We have a tiny subreddit with little traffic. As a result, anything that's posted stays on top regardless of the downvotes because: 1) there's no other new good content to usurp it. 2) how reddit works. So while we're this small, we need a little quality control to make the subreddit grow and encourage good discussion.

Now, the guidelines I have on the side are what I based the removal on.

therewasguy posted 2 videos of islamic clergy with a bad title that wasn't very respectful (see case 1, case 2). The clerics weren't even Bahraini, they were Saudi. They were both circlejerk type posts. There was another post from him about Batelco prices which was poor in quality, but I've approved it l3yoonkum. The last post was of a body-building competition video titled "ya salam 7adhom 7elween sexy stronk". I will not approve this because the editorialized title is very disrespectful.

As for AhmedSahrab's post, he posted this video. If anybody can find the relevance to /r/Bahrain, let me know and I'll approve it.

If anybody has any argument for any of these posts staying, message me and I'll gladly reapprove it. Again, I'm human and susceptible to mistakes.

/r/Bahrain Thread Parent