[Recruiting] 3 Musketeers| Adult Level 5 War Clan| 62 Wins| Current 12 win streak| Check out our war log!

Actually I looked closely at the screenshots you sent and noticed you lack a lot of the characteristics we look for in new membersthat have been some of the biggest reasons why we are well into level 5, have 63 wins, and are currently at a 13 win streak.

You rejected me because I don't have Dragons. Funny.

1) I didn't reject you because i expect you to use dragons, I rejected you because the fact that you have a rushed base means you are impatient, lack the discipline to level up completely, and will be liability to our clan when our goal is to win. The fact that you don't understand rushing means you are too inexperienced.

2) Your walls are weak. Every good player knows that walls and heroes are critical. Your lack of interest in leveling those makes you weak offensively and defensively. While you may do well compared to people around you, you would be below average in our clan.

Weak troops, lol. Everything I three star with is Maxed.

3) You don't have a strong GoWiWi. All of our TH9s use GoWiWi and 3 star max level TH9s. All of our members are 3 star experts which is why we maximize almost every star earned on the war map every war. While your attack strategies may be fine in clan that doesn't take war seriously, they will not produce regular 3 stars. Your lack of experience in TH9 really shows by how weak your troops are.

4) Your defenses are weak (Walls). We regularly 3 star max TH9s. Not a single one of our members would bat an eye at 3 starring with GoWiWi. I'm sure you do well against clans that aren't as disciplined as ours but I think you are used to playing on a lower playing field than us. GoLava and GoHo are weak strategies.

5) Every other TH9 candidate who requested to join had everything that you didn't have and demonstrated prowess in example attacks before we took them to war.

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