[Searching] for a war clan th9

Had a falling out with an asshole in the clan and he pulled some friends out. Looking to replace em with active players. We are not a new clan, we have experience leading and will do our best to keep active members happy.

We are made up 1-2 strong th7s, allthe way to th9. I am currently th9 and have a decently tough town with all black walls and a lvl 10 barb king with a lvl 5 archer queen

We war regularly, donate frequently, and constantly joke around in chat. You are welcome to bring friends as well. We war 2-3 times a week, and constant attendance in war is not required. If you are only capable of fighting once a week or so, let us know we can remove you from this lists when you are not available

We are currently hovering around 11 members (temporarily), but we are highly active and always have fun. Ill be spamming reddit and online forums looking for new players so I am expecting to be around 15-20 members sometime this weekend, though the plan is to get us into the 25-50 range at some point.

We are more or less looking to help each other and screw around while waring. We are mainly in to Toronto area of Canada, and are online nearly nonstop once we are off work, which is around 3-4pm, all the way to past midnight.

3 main leaders

-Crimsonking -- Master of known universe, responsible for clan demotions

-Imscaredofclans -- Master of promotions

-King of Derp -- Official clan scapegoat/mascot*

*In case you are wondering what the official scapegoat is, whenever something the other leaders dont like happens he is demoted, even if he had nothing to do with it. Think of him like a sports team mascot, when the team is playing good hes fine, but as soon as they start to have problems everyone throws their popcorn and beer at him.

Clan ID is #999VYLY9

Clan is set to anyone can join for the moment

Town hall 6 and below need not apply

/r/ClashOfClansRecruit Thread