Reddit admins thinking they've won

No one wins though.

This immature /r/all bullshit proves that reddit isn't capable of rational discussion, or reaction.

What's at the heart of the matter here? That FPH was banned, but other subreddits weren't?

Here's what people don't seem to get: it's a new policy. Give it time. The subreddit with cute female corpses will most likely get banned eventually. So will whatever that "coon" one is called.

Is it a good policy? Not really, especially if it's not enforced across the board, but it's a policy none-the-less that we need to respect. It will get better over time. Was it well thought out? Probably not, but there was absolutely no reason to react the way /r/all has.

People thinking they've "won" by creating new subreddits seem to think they're sticking it to Reddit, but they're absolutely not. If anything they're helping driving traffic to the site through the news and facebook posts about it.

And let's be real here. You don't have ANY power over this site. People saying "well we'll leave" or "we won't guild" have no power, and here's why.

Have a look here. Look at those unique visitors. 172 million, with 3.6 million logged in.

Okay, let's say 10% of those leave to That's 360,000 people leaving. That means reddit now still has 171 million unique visitors next month, and still has 3.3 million logged in accounts.

You don't speak for those 3.3 million logged in accounts. I call it "social media bloat" where one person or multiple people seem to speak for the masses. They don't.

I'm not a reddit apologist - I'm a realist, and I'm being real here. You taking your gold away will have absolutely no bearing on how reddit functions now or in the future. Your account and gilding is one of 3.6 million accounts that can guild in a month.

Reddit is going to be fine, and honestly? If the idiots who've flooded /r/all with all those shit posts threaten to leave, I say please do. Please leave reddit for the rest of us who don't give a shit about FPH being banned.

Here's the inside scoop: you don't own this site. You don't have a say in how its run. If you don't like how things are run, you can leave. You can piss and moan and think you're being loud, but you're not. I'm sorry. You think you have power here, but you don't. So either just accept what has happened, or leave. Create your own reddit. You'll show them!

Yeah. See how that does for you.

And to everyone who has left thinking the grass is greener over on the other side? There WILL come a time when whatever site you think is better WILL have to come to terms with what Reddit has come to terms with. Another jailbait will spring up. Another FPH will spring up. And the media will come calling, and when they do, your site will have to create these rules. Why? Because society has rules, and reddit and your site live in society. Sometimes being an adult and having to follow rules suck, but it's what we live with.

Now please grow the fuck up.

/r/fatpeoplehate30 Thread Link -