Republican governor discovers evangelicals invented cancel culture when they come for her: Republican South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is under fire for not signing a bill that would ban transgender athletes from playing sports in schools and colleges.

Reddit mod drewiepoodle (official mod of r/politcalhumor , r/AreTheStraightsOk r/transgender , r/asktransgender , and a bunch of other LGBT and trans subreddits, 84 subreddits moderated in total ) is a child groomer and hangs out with illegal HRT

Whole thread and proof here

Also 42 year old drewiepoodle defends inviting a 13 year old girl home for some illegal prescription hormones :

They're all over the thread calling people transphobic so it was just easier to link to their user comment page.

I suggest you check out the archive if you're not seeing their comments in the link.

This is the image that's being commented on.

And another.

Archive of the actual thread that the screenshots come from.

The comment thread featured in the first screenshot

And oh boy , there's even more stuff happening with the powermods of reddit....

How reddit powermods are unethically grooming autistic children to take hormone replacement therapy:

Spread the word , reddits official admin team is full with pedophiles and child groomers , and no one is saying shit , copy and paste this whole comment and be safe.

/r/LGBTnews Thread Link -