Romance in Rebels?

I'm just really happy that Rebels and Rouge One didn't push it like so many others to. There have been so many times that Romance has ruined characters by making them blind to for example logic. Romance most of the time ends up becoming the only reason for a characters actions, instead of having a better character motivation overall.

I get the whole "Romance is blind" and that it could be a development a character can go though, but that is rarely the case, as little is usually learned and Romance is never blamed at the end. The problem is that a lot of the time the Romance ends, and then dismissed like it never happened. And then it puts a stain on the 2 characters interactions from that point on.

They are at war, just take prioritizes please.

I keep saying Romance instead of Love, because Romance is Lust, not Love. Relationships doesn't have to be Romantic to be strong, have meaning and show love between characters.

Platonic relationships between a male and a female are fucking rare these days, so i'm just happy to finally see some.

/r/starwarsrebels Thread