CMV: Jobs that do not provide a salary and benefits should be federally prohibited from requiring advanced training or higher education for employment.

Dude I literally work with C suite execs and I have access to see how much they are paid. For many companies that information is public if they are publicly traded.

Because on paper they are paid basically nowhere near what people in this thread make it out to be. They are given a standard 100-200k a year salary and then they are given boatloads of stock options within the company to orient their decision making process to be aligned with the goals of the company.

Spoiler alert, being paid $1 and being give $1,000,000 in stock options = your total compensation package. So just because your salary is X doesn’t paint a full picture of what you are paid. They also have allowances on top of their salary. It’s literally industry standard.

This is an argument in my favor. It doesn’t matter if the best inventors in the world produce spectacular things, it takes dozens of people per inventor in the business unit to push the product forward and make goods and services a reality. If Steve Jobs had built the first Iphone himself, he would have still had to:

This is probably that dumbest thing I’ve read today. The invention is literally the reason you make money. You can’t market and sell nothing.

A CEO responsible for the planning and relationship building needed to produce the phones to get them to market. I.E. Someone had to go overseas and build a relationship with Foxcon to enable them to build out their factory to scale with tooling and establish that relationship.

Lol. The entire supply chain, marketing, legal and r&d department would like a word. I have never seen someone so confidently incorrect about what a CEO does. Holy hell.

If workers are so integral why don’t they command more value? If they are so skilled that they can do all these things for smart phones why aren’t they the millionaires? Surely even if they are coming from the absolute worst backgrounds imaginable, if they worked for apple for 2-3 years they could start something. Why don’t they?

Hahaha omg. I don’t even know where to start responding to this. There is so much wrong. Are you familiar with the concept called “barriers of entry”? Why do you think inventors go to venture capitalists for capital?

Yeah and when the CEO signs off on all of that leg work they carry the sole responsibility for all of it all the expenditures, the people who lose their jobs from these decisions, all of the fallout if things go poorly. A CEO who tanks a company has basically ended their career. This is also of course all on top of the fact that they basically cannot publicly endorse anything that would be met with criticism. Bill Gates for example (granted he’s not CEO anymore) can’t even publicly state who he’s voting for president because it will affect Microsoft share prices so dramatically and that actively harms the employees in the firm.

Oh so the CEO relies on other much smarter people to advice them on what to do? Got it.

This is not my CMV. But let me be perfectly clear, you are not going to convince me with any anti CEO rhetoric. I graduated from one of the best business schools in the country, relative to reddit am an expert on these matters and the things you’re saying are either factually incorrect or ignore essential elements of the position.

I wasn’t trying to convince you. I want you to know who wrong and obtuse what you say is. I graduated from a state school and I am willing to be you $500 I make more money than you. Want to take the bet?

/r/changemyview Thread Parent