"Roughly half of the money raised to oppose a ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana in California is coming from police and prison guard groups"

As do I. My father more or less puts it down to "Don't do [illicit] drugs" and is adamant against that. I can't say I'd blame him though. He's seen some friends ran over by drunk drivers, he had a back injury which required spinal fusion due to a drunk driver, several of his friends have OD'd on Heroin & other drugs. According to him, one time Jimmy [Blank] got so high that he couldn't see. etc.

I've asked him in the past how he'd react if I had smoked weed. (He never knew I had) He said he'd be more interested into my thought process at the time. He said He'd disapprove of those actions, but not me.

He knows well about the irony of the system. He straight up hates the facility he worked at. (Many, many other reasons for this, trust me) The DA threw out the tape that the Lead Investigator (Whom is now being charged with rigging/editing information) wanted to get him canned for. He said he followed everything in the force continuum to a T, and then the DA told him to leave the office, because they didn't want to deal with Investigator [X] and his bullshit.

They fucked him over. I desperately want to call the fucker out on his bullshit and call him by his name, but I don't want this shit to lead back to me, and we all just want to get past it.

Sad thing is, most of the corrupt LEO's are at the top. They do fuck all for the system. In [X] Correctional Facility, 2 man cells were 4 man cells, 4 man cells were 6-8 man cells. They did fuck all to expand and they spent money on themselves in the budget. Nevermind the poorly equipped and under staffed officers who deal with 90-100 people on 1 block - they spend it on themselves. The medics barely have the equipment they need, a good amount of fire alarms don't properly work, and much more. There's a reason they call it "Hells playground". No matter what side of the bars your on, that place is just about hell.

The attrition rate is horrendous. They're lucky to keep 1 or 2 people out of 30 that start within 6 months. Their attrition rate is more than likely above 95% within SIX MONTHS. I know people from there who have quit a $25 per hour job to go to an $11 per hour job because they hate that place so much.

The bullshit goes both ways. The little guys get fucked, and so does the public. Shits gotta change man.

/r/trees Thread Parent Link - theintercept.com