RU Su-27 Intercepts US RC-135U Recon Aircraft

The only reason you were allowed to eke out your meager living in your frozen dirt fields is the good graces of the Anglosphere, who enjoyed seeing us murder millions after millions of you so much that they made sure you didn't collapse so you could keep providing us target practice while you hid with your arses raised in the snow, praying for winter to do the job that Russian soldiers never could.

And then you took the Soviet dick up your arse for 70 years and the world laughed at you as you begged them to believe you liked it. But shock! All your client states fell away, all your friends deserted you, all your policies failed. You were beaten and allowed to be run by criminals who can't manage their own state because it's funny to us in the West. Now all your old allies are ours and you are forced to make do with White Russia and Kazakhstan. Please keep continuing to amuse us in the future.

And that is why it still votes for Die Linke.

A Russian who believes they can build countries. You are adorable. Where is the Soviet Union now? It's still running right? The pride of your world is still around right? The Russian Empire cares for it's people right? It's a good place for them to live right? They can do as they please right? They're all happy right?

Oh yeah, that one time when Germany didn't exist as a state and the midget nations in its place sucked cocks by hundreds, while Russia ended empires - like the Swedes or the Turks. Just like now Russia does what it wants: flies planes where it wants, takes back its historical regions, while everything the Germans do is wail in powerless butthurt, as you're doing now. But then again, Germans don't need their historical regions: why reach for Danzig when Königsberg is Russian, after all, haha.

You mean when Sweden kicked the shit out of you, and then Poland kicked the shit out of you? Sweden and Poland, mighty world powers! Hell, even Finland kicked the shit out of you for years! You are hilarious to think your tragic history of suppressing your own people is a sign of pride.

I mean you didn't die quite as easily to them as you did to us, but then you were very, very bad at fighting us. Fly your planes over our cities again, let's see how those Russian soldiers do against a proper country, instead of Georgia or Ukraine.

And yet German population has been below natural growth since 1977, while Russia's population is growing. Those are the wonders of "starvation and murder" - staying a viable nation instead of dying out and being replaced by the Turks and the Poles.

Typical product of Russian schooling lol. Even letting in all those foreigners your Tzar hates so much your ratbag frozen fields are still filled with the old and dying. Nobody wants to move to Russia. Russians don't want to live in Russia. It's a sad joke that the country is the most depressing place on earth because they can't govern themselves. You are a sad, poor, corrupt, moribund country and you have our pity. It's a shame you only have yourselves to blame.

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