This is a safe place to freely vent your frustrations with The Joe Symon. Even if you are a follower of Joe but sometimes aren't sure about some of the things he says and does. You can talk about it here. Get yourself anonymous profile on Reddit and you can discuss whatever you like. It helps

F... it I don't care anymore I am Laura jo and I have watched this asinine for 2 years do this bullshit to people I tried to get warn people but most didn't listen I got trolled on twitter threatened by more then just JS just for sticking up for his followers I was sick of watching him treat us all like we owed him once we watched a sneak peak of something's no he was involved in and he got mad at and called out people for chatting while he scoped it we were supposed to be quiet while he showed it that was just the beginning of he sends any more threatening emails to me I will post every one of them on here I am a true animal lover rescuer and him with those kittens and all the cords everywhere make me beyond angry

/r/periscope Thread