I just wish we knew the exact details of Britney's freedom and why she isn't making live posts anymore.
There has to be a reason why:
All her posts are written
Most her vids are old and filmed in the same 'place in Malibu' which looks like a dingy old hotel with a lame gym
Her pics and vids have been risqué when I personally believe that Brit would NOT do that on her own
She's Britney Spears-she doesn't need to show the world her T&A in cheap iPhone video screen stills on Instagram, someone is making her look like a damn fool... I believe her Instagram is being curated to make her look crazy again, to set her up (I could be wrong, but it's a feeling.)
She verbally said she appreciated all her fans persistence in a video. She said fans saved her life. WHY would she then write a cold sounding message that doesn't even sound like her, basically telling fans to F off?
Her vids are spliced together, you never see her pressing record, it's as if she is being recorded from slightly above in a mirror in the dance videos while she watches herself
I don't understand any of it. I'm not here for the conspiracy theories, but I know she was monitored and recorded 24/7 and they have plenty of video of her.
I just want a live story saying she is alive and doing Ok and an update on the court case.