Saw this and thought of the linux community

understanding docs is a valuable skill

No. Learning how to write documentation that is readable is a valuable skill.

Having to learn how to decode a software engineer's long-winded, not-concise, poorly written garbage is an unnecessary hurdle.

I completed a degree in a humanities' subject before I went back to school to learn computer science. Every so often, while completing my computer science degree, this topic would come up. The vast majority of my peers, and even sometimes a professor, would treat me like I have a degree in underwater basket weaving. To which, when I read their writing their attitude shows.

Maybe you aren't a good writer, and have a greater aptitude for mathematics, that's great! Those maths skills are an absolute boon for learning how to engineer software. However, if you take that mean that writing and other subjects are beneath you, then do better.

The amount of arrogance I encounter in the programming and IT community that dismisses great advice out of sheer hubris is staggering.

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