Satellites are bogus. There are no satellites in space. Nobody in real life has ever seen a satellite - and no real images exist. The only place satellites are found is in a museum in model form. All 'satellite tech' is done via ground based towers, and high alt craft.

Analysis of many interior videos from the “International Space Station,” have shown the use of camera-tricks such as green-screens, harnesses and even wildly permed hair to achieve a zero-gravity type effect.

Footage of astronauts seemingly floating in the zero-gravity of their “space station” is indistinguishable from “vomit comet” Zero-G airplane footage.

By flying parabolic maneuvers this Zero-G floating effect can be achieved over and over again then edited together. For longer uncut shots, NASA has been caught using simple wires and green screen technology.

When viewing the alleged "ISS" in the sky, it cannot be distinguished from a shooting star in real life. NASA setting up 'ISS Tracker" websites, is in no way proof that the thing in the sky is an ISS.

/r/LEVELMANIA Thread Link -