Season 13 moment

because mid just become the assassin lane.

mages don't really exist mid.

I think like a handful of mages that go mid, the other types are ap assasins or secondary support utility mages that excusive to pro play.

the only mages I see mid are Malzahar , syndra and asol. thats it.

everything else is ethier been reduced to bot as a support or apc.

the other kind that goes mid os a hybird of assaian mage like kass and ahri with enough mobility to fly around the map.

basicly any kind mobility mage.

like other the three I mentioned when the hell was the last time you saw an acutal mage champ mid , like karthus , ziggs , cass or viegar or morgana or lux. you don't if you do itts a rare one off.

why do think rammus is considered broken, because no one takes ap champs or mages because why would you when the meta is just go a tank ad assasin and play the most bs build possible because why would you not, its a constant fight between the same 20 champions, the same ones get banned and the brokens ones that don't are picked. you always have the one off dude who plays differnt champ but that person is 1 in a million.

its so boring its not even funny. the meta never shifts because the same champs are left in a garbage state and the poster childern are always buffed and loved.

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