When did you realize that Sam has some indefensible views and what are they?

Sam doesn't claim Wokeness is more HARMFUL than any far right ideology. He pays more attention to it (speaks about it more), because it is more NOVEL than what we see from the Right (i.e. 'Wokeness' as it is manifest today is new and more influential than the likes of Richard Spencer or the Proud Boys). It is also an ideology that is effecting how institutions conduct themselves, i.e. Prestigious Universities... That at very least warrants 'attention'.

I agree it's incorrect to say that Sam thinks "wokeness"/the far left is "worse" than the far right, and I also believe he tends to focus more on the problems of the far left for the reasons you mention. However, there's one point regarding this topic where I think Sam is misguided; he's repeatedly said that he focuses more on far-left issues because Neo-Nazis etc are marginal in our society. Of course, it's probably true that the "far right" is marginal if you define it as people who are literal Neo-Nazis, but that kind of far right probably has its "left equivalent" pretty much only among literal Stalin worshippers. Average Trump supporters, on the other hand, are not "fringe of the fringe", and IMO it makes much more sense to compare that version of the "far right" with the extreme (although not Stalinist extreme) left.

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