Saturation Temperature Equation

The saturation temperature of R22 can be calculated based on its pressure using the Antoine equation or the Wagner equation, which are commonly used to model the vapor pressure of pure substances. The Antoine equation is given by:

log10(P) = A - (B / (T + C))

where P is the vapor pressure in mmHg, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and A, B, and C are empirical constants specific to the substance. The saturation temperature can be found by solving this equation for T at a given pressure.

The constants for R22 according to the Antoine equation are:

A = 6.83768 B = 1301.679 C = -30.834

Converting the pressure from PSIG to mmHg, the equation becomes:

log10(P/51.715) = 6.83768 - (1301.679 / (T + 273.15 - 30.834))

Solving for T, we get:

T = (1301.679 / (log10(P/51.715) - 6.83768)) - 273.15 + 30.834

where T is the saturation temperature in Celsius.

To convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula:

T(°F) = T(°C) * 1.8 + 32

Therefore, the equation to calculate the saturation temperature of R22 in Fahrenheit based on its pressure in PSIG is:

SaturationTemp(°F) = ((1301.679 / (log10(P/51.715) - 6.83768)) - 273.15 + 30.834) * 1.8 + 32

Note that this equation is based on the Antoine equation, which is an empirical model and may not be accurate over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. Other factors such as the quality and accuracy of the pressure measurement may also affect the accuracy of the calculated saturation temperature.

/r/Physics Thread