Saw a pretty tallete today! But I choked.

A couple of months ago i was in Chipolte and saw a girl (of course). She had to of been atleast 5'10". That seems to be my beginning threshold on instantly finding anyone atleast twice more attractive than if they we're just average sized, just for that fact alone. So anyway, it was like you story, it was pretty dead so I maybe could have asked her out in there but I was planning on getting my food to go and I was ahead of her so it's not like I could have asked her when she was sitting down after i got my food. And I sometimes feel weird about eating by myself but that's a different issue. So anyway I got my food and I was like "well maybe if she's like at the right part of the line where it snakes around near to where I can walk to I can ask her" but then I was thinking well not only is she by herself but I didn't want to embarrass her or myself in a line of people where she had to sit and wait to order her food feeling all awkward. So anyway I decided to take my food out to my car. Wait a little bit and go back into the bathroom or something to buy a little time. So I do that but the girl isn't eating inside as I expected so I assumed she just left. Feeling all defeated that I wasted my time or just pussied out for too long instead of just asking her and not worrying about embarassing either of us, I walk outside back to my car when I notice she's eating in her car (which is totally something I would do instead of just eating inside for some reason, I don't know) so just from that all alone I liked her more because atleast we we're on the same page on the whole eating alone type of thing. So I kind of don't know what to do because I didn't expect to see her just eating in her car and I'd feel like a bum asking for change if i approached her at her car so I started driving away and go to an adjacent restaurants parking lot and just said "fuck it" and parked and go out and started walking back over. I got to her car and waved and started my little story "Hey so I just noticed that you're that girl that was in chipolte and noticed ya in your car when I was driving by and wanted to ask you out!" and she sort of laughed (not in a mean way) and said "oh im sorry but I have a boyfriend" so I just went "Oh it's alright, sorry didn't mean to disturb your chipolte, bye!". It was pretty awkward, especially with the way I had to bend over in order to see in the car and all that but all in all, I'd rather have asked her out than though "man i should have asked her out". I feel like with asking girls out you really need a semi script. Not like a lame line, just like "Hey I'm so and so, I thought you were pretty and wanted to ask you out!" if you can't think anything better because atleast for me, I'm normally pretty confident but when you're talking to someone totally new, it seems like not a bad plan if you just communicate just the basics as in this is my name, this is what I think of you, would you like to go out? That seems to leave minimal amount of error for misunderstanding or overdrawn out conversations or just whatever. It's like every new person is a new type of food or something. If you're being first introduced, just go for the basic approach for now because you might not comprehend what is good or bad about until you give it some time and wrap your head around it/get to know the person.

/r/tall Thread