What’s a tip that everyone should know which might one day save their life?

Up north when you fuck up you just say oh shit and speed away. Down south it is completely the opposite, they slow down, wave at you, roll down their window....not looking for an apology, just looking to go about my day and not slow down traffic. I had someone make an illegal left....they had two left turn lanes and he was in a straight only and he decided to make a left turn and block the intersection. He turned without using a directional too so I go stuck in the intersection, I honked and he acted like I was the one in the wrong for using my horn. At the time I was leaving a voicemail for a buddy and I forgot....he got a great message and told me he saved it for me to hear, he also shared it with coworkers.

Bill Burr has a great comparison on drivers from different states. He groups together the Northeast as assholes but they at least get out of your way when they fuck up. It is too true.

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