Having biological children is always selfish because it's gambling with someone else's life to satisfy your own needs.

A lot aren’t but people who adopt can be selfish too.

“I want a baby but not some kid that already exists in foster care” So what happens? Attrocities happened overseas to supply the demand of infants. Including the rape of women and illegal adoptions > babies stolen and put up for adoption by fake birth mothers as well as coersion by religious institutions.

Some assume that every infants will not experience trauma (like foster kids) from adoption and so shit themselves when the opposite happens.

Some adopt without grieving the loss of being able to produce their own, adopt, two years later a biological child comes along and they neglect their adoptee.

Some have saviour complex and want to appear a hero, exploiting their childs circumstances by using them for ad revenue on websites like youtube.

Closed adoption as opposed to open or closed after being open because APs are insecure.

Insecurity is another reason people should not be allowed to adopt. That child has a history by adopting you do not wipe that slate clean. You shouldn’t lie to them, hide their truth or be emotionally abusive because they want to search.

Adoption definitely is a less selfish option but adoption or biological, it’s selfish for anyone to have a child they can’t look after properly in every way. Now if that means people produce their own because they know they’d treat an adoptive child differently, then so be it.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread