The second person I want to be investigated after Trump gets elected is Crooked Loretta Lynch. She has single handedly destroyed integrity at the Department of Justice.

Whenever msm mentions Cuba, Iran, NK, or Russia, it's usually a diversion. While the regimes may not be ideal, we have to remember those countries are under military siege by globalists (US/Nato military), because they have independent central banks.

All we think we know about NK and Iran is through western media's portrayal. When was the last time either country was the aggressor in war? NK is always in the news as being outrageous, but put ourselves in their shoes. They were one people for over 2000 years and all of a sudden two countries exist with diametrically opposing ideologies? Both were created as puppet states after WW2. Now the most formidable military is at their door step and have kept NK in isolation for 60 years. It's kind of like "trading places". Spoil half the peninsula with aid and investment, provide a market for SK to sell its products. The other half, NK, let's starve them and see how they react.

Bottom line is our foreign policy sucks, has always sucked since globalist gained influence, and we shouldn't just drink msm/gov kool-aid especially when it comes to foreign affairs. I digress.

But yea, everything about Obama admin is suspicious

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent